We Are PennDOT Proud

Orders will be received approximately 3-5 weeks from submission.
For added convenience we will be shipping strictly to home addresses (as opposed to work addresses).
Learn how the proceeds from sales help benefit you!
Every time you make a purchase a portion of your money will go to the PennDOT Employees Fund.
All proceeds within the PennDOT Employees Fund will directly support the employees of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. From sponsoring recognition/recreation activities; to providing educational opportunities; to helping support the families of employees injured in catastrophic work-related accidents, we are an Association created by employees for employees!
Your contributions to the Association have allowed us to do the following for your Co-Workers:
George McAuley Jr. Memorial Fund: To date, the Association has been able to donate over $20,000 to the George McAuley Jr. Memorial Fund! This money has been used to support 50 employees (or their families) who have had a catastrophic life altering event. This includes over $3,000 that has been donated to the families of the last three PennDOT employees who have died in the line of duty.
Employee Recognition Fund: In addition to the George McAuley Jr. Memorial Fund, the Association has been able to donate over $4,600 to the Employee Recognition Fund! This money is used to fund the recognition of PennDOT’s employees by providing financial support to PennDOT (which helps PennDOT administer its recognition program), and by directly recognizing PennDOT employees as well!
While impressive, with your continued support these Association accomplishments are just the tip of the iceberg! We look forward to many successful years in our partnership with PennDOT and with you!
The PennDOT Employees Association is a not for profit 501(c)4 Local Association of Employees.

Memorial Logo Section: You can honor fallen PennDOT employees and contribute to the Employees Fund by purchasing Memorial Logo items or by directly donating to the Employees Fund to receive a new Memorial Pin! Click the button below to check out the Memorial section today!